Antilla 2 Galaxy – a black rock with a spaceship and controlled movement  – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 18,2018 , 10 am – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna . HOTTEST NEWS PREDICTIONS BY CLAIRVOYANT DIMITRINKA STAIKOVA

Antilla 2 Galaxy – a black rock with a spaceship and controlled movement  – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 18,2018 , 10 am – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .


View of the Milky Way with the Large Magellanic Cloud on the bottom right and the Antilla 2 galaxy on the top left

I see a lying man – from his head are leaving energy waves which  are plugged into a device. He sees ,talks and hears. I see him inward in the bottom of the place where he is lying  – above him there is a double energy lid, which is connected only with the head and the legs. The energy enters at him like through a chimney or a pipe. Close to his pipe (tube), I see other  pipes too. There is even a bigger energy which is connected with the belly button (navel). It represents five spiral balls of energy with the shape of a flower directed as arrows at the human energy center  – the belly button. The place where they are put is in the air. There are waves below.

That energy at the belly button  is four times stronger and it can rises and brings down the bed of the lying person. This is a travel of a spaceship on a rock where there is a very powerful nuclear energy  (like the solar energy). The object is moving and emitting energy from below  – South.  The energy of the nuclear emission (radiation) and the released from the spaceship in movement  is detected at the Eastern end. The object has double elliptical shape – an ellipse in the ellipse.  At the western end there is a closed room with many living people inside. The spacecraft is separated on two parts  – the front part is with energy  and manages the power and direction of the movement,  the second part is for people and cargo  – the closed part.

I see a human head, but I don’t see hands and legs, but an energy body,  strong muscles and highly developed brain.

Their  financial system is developed. Their sign looks like a scythe  – without a handle. They define themselves as the first,  divine and materialists. I see a landing on the Moon. They define the Moon as a site for landing. There is a choice that must be made for the travel. On the Earth they are coming after 3-4 rebounds of time (Their measure). For now,  the travel is at East. Then, there is  a Moon. They will be on the Earth when our planet is located at the southeastern part around the Sun (South – Southeast). Then,I see a movement of the object counter clockwise and circling around the Sun.

The weapon is a strong white energy beam – leaving from the head (the forehead) – it can kill or only  paralyzes.  The other weapon is a device (a machine) and it is like a flower – it is huge, shining  with energy  – in different colors – it represents a core in the middle surrounded by elliptical energy waves.

I see their food is white like a powder. They don’t need a Sun, they adapt very fast. They are not in a war for imposition over species and races, but they are predatory and hostile.

Their enemy is small, circular and with many tentacles (legs). It is causing them allergy reactions and problems with the brain  – it is entering in their bodies.  They are treating it with hydrogen  – liquid hydrogen in the body in addition with a burning energy. They are moving their spaceship with rebounds. The goal is planets  and the extraction of minerals and reconnaissance (scouting). They were already on the Earth.  They had people created from the both kinds – in Iran.

During their coming on the Earth they are very hostile because of the atmosphere  (the Earth atmosphere) – it is like they have to born again. They own telepathy and the ability to move objects with their mind. They are searching for stones which are charging them with energy.

Year 2019 – They still travel. March 2019 – They will have a strong emission. April 2019 – there is a travel and descent. June, July 2019 – I see them on the Moon. October 2019 – They are hostile  – I see problems with their spaceship and withdrawal.

Year 2020 – February,  March – I see light objects falling on the Earth  – They are big and hot (burning), they are falling both with that spaceship  and  that  part of a rock – the whole year in larger quantities until November 2020.

+ In addition Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about Antilla 2 Galaxy by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova – November 18,2018

I see waves floating in the air and a huge amount of radiation. There are buildings there and devices for communication. I see intelligent beings  – They slightly looks like people, but more different.  There are energy sources there. The place is of interest for many creatures  by different galaxies  – it is as a station. They had a war for Antilla 2 by two races – because of the energy deposits there – They emit a very strong radiation. In the moment,  I see there something like a storage for eggs or egg-cells . It is kept by militaries.  There is a large building with many small buildings attached.

Gravitational waves and fire creatures. Black matter – a spaceship that sends gravitational waves. Forerunner of Nibiru. A meeting on the Earth of three civilizations – inside the Earth, the Moon civilization and Nibiru – War or Peace ? When Nibiru is coming and how ? – the first time – Clairvoyant reading June 2, 2017, 10 am. by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.


FROM THE ANTIQUITY AND ETERNITY UNTIL 21TH CENTURY by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Gravitational waves and fire creatures. Black matter – a spaceship that sends gravitational waves. Forerunner of Nibiru. A meeting on the Earth of three civilizations – inside the Earth, the Moon civilization and Nibiru – War or Peace ? When Nibiru is coming and how ? – the first time – Clairvoyant reading  June 2, 2017, 10 am. by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

I see a black matter – round and big one , on East from the Earth, which emits gravitational waves to South. There is very strong emission by the core to the both poles – East and West. The core is double and it created a pressure and heavy waves (winds, sounds). The one core……

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