An article published in #Bild about Clairvoyant House Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna -“Die schräge Theorie dieser Wahrsagerin” – 09.07.2019

Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna –  in the news.
“Die schräge Theorie dieser Wahrsagerin”
09.07.2019 – 08:00 Uhr

So z.B. die bulgarische Wahrsagerin Stoyanka Staikova: „Ich sehe Hügel hinter ihr, sie wird von ein paar Menschen, eventuell dem Militär, bewacht. Die Männer bereiten sie darauf vor, sie an Bord eines Schiffes zu bringen. Ich sehe Russen und ich sehe Meer.“

Und dann prophezeit die Wahrsagerin: „Im August sehe ich sie in einem unterirdischen Gebäude, sie wird streng bewacht …“

Related :

Media Confirmations about #MissingPerson : Suzanne Eaton – “….there is a vehicle involved” and “Suzanne Eaton, US scientist, found killed in WW2 bunker on Crete” and “…her body had been covered in burlap…”

– as predicted by Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova in their Clairvoyant Readings published July 6, 2019  – “…I see her in a car…” and “… I see her closed in a building underground and monitored by an angry man…” and “…in the moment her eyes are tied…”

Published July 11, 2019

Media Confirmations about #MissingPerson : #SuzanneEaton – “….there is a vehicle involved” and “Suzanne Eaton, US #scientist, found killed in WW2 bunker on #Crete” and “…her body had been covered in burlap…” – as predicted by Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova in their Clairvoyant Readings published July 6, 2019  – “…I see her in a car…” and “… I see her closed in a building underground and monitored by an angry man…” and “…in the moment her eyes are tied…”

Media Confirmations about #MissingPerson : Suzanne Eaton – “….there is a vehicle involved” and “Suzanne Eaton, US scientist, found killed in WW2 bunker on Crete” and “…her body had been covered in burlap…”

– as predicted by Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova in their Clairvoyant Readings published July 6, 2019  – “…I see her in a car…” and “… I see her closed in a building underground and monitored by an angry man…” and “…in the moment her eyes are tied…”

Read the Clairvoyant Readings here :

Dr. Suzanne Eaton – US Molecular  Biologist missing in Chania, Crete since July 2, 2019 – Clairvoyant  reading July 6, 2019 – BY Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,  Bulgaria,  Varna.

I see the way she walked (ran). The way has pave, it is hilly – it starts from high at the northeastern side. It goes  gradually like a rainbow  at West and then sharply  descends at South. The  searching  is from the end of the first third (almost the middle). The place where they are searching for  her – there is a hilly terrain beneath.  The place where the searching must be made is almost in the beginning of the road – the highest part of the road  – underneath  there is a water spot (a small lake or a small river bed) – that’s where the searching must be made.  Close to her I see security guards (policemen) before and after the finding. Next to the place there is a movement of cars (they are on high).

At July 2, 2019 at lunch – I see her in a car – dark Jeep with a man she knows, (Media Confirmation 1)

there were two : Greek security guard and  American (rather scientist and a military). Her health condition was before a brain stroke, strong tightening of the left part of the head, arm, body,leg and tough problems with the stomach  – there is swelling and collection of air in the stomach.  The heart was also in bad condition.

She has gone out on a meeting,  but not to run. She was monitored, protected sideways.  The people who has monitored her – they have made phone calls with directions (orders) what they must do – repeatedly. The decision is taken in the moment. If the searchers want to find her – they will find her – there are still external  traces  of tires…..

In Addition  : Clairvoyant reading to Dr. Suzanne Eaton  missing in Shania, Crete – BY Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova – July 6, 2019

I see hills or mountains behind her back – she is on high place, there is water down. She is protected (guarded) by a few people (militaries). I see a military man with high  rank to trace and monitor her. They are  preparing to get her on the  board of a ship with many militaries.  In the  moment she is in a dark premise of a big building related to ships and sea. There is an Intelligence Agency included in the searching. I see Russians and sea.

July 2019 – the work of Dr. Suzanne Eaton is connected not only with science,but  also with reconnaissance in the scientific  sphere  – the separation and processing of cells.  Experiments connected with people,  brain,  blood, sound, energy.

August 2019 – I see her closed in a building underground and monitored by an angry man. – Media Confirmation 2

Health  : her eyes are in a very bad condition (half blind) – in the moment her eyes are tied. – Media Confirmation 3.

There is a slight pain in the head, pain in the throat, ill left breast,problems with the breathing,  strong pain and gases in the stomach,  pain in the right kidney  and ovaries .

Media Confirmations  :

Suzanne Eaton, US scientist, found killed in WW2 bunker on Crete – July 10, 2019

Six days later, her body was discovered by two locals exploring the bunker, which is a system of manmade caves used by the Nazis during the occupation of Crete in World War Two.

The Greek Reporter website said her body had been covered in burlap, a rough cloth, leading Greek authorities to conclude she had been killed.

2.Tragic end for US biologist Suzanne Eaton missing on Crete UPD – July 9, 2019

According to local media flashnews, “the big question is how the woman was found so far away from the original location where she went missing, that is a distance of about 10 km, which is difficult to cover on foot, unless there is a vehicle involved. The area is totally unrelated to the radius of the area in which she went missing.”

Related  : 

New Ebook and Paperback book : 

Billionaires – Kidnapped, Missing, Live, Dead People – Why, Where, When , the Reasons, Location, Killers – Psychic predictions to : Barry Sherman, Mrs.Falkevik Hagen, Grace Millane,Mina Başaran…

Published  – January 27, 2019

by Dimitrinka Staikova (Author), Ivelina Staikova (Author), Stoyanka Staikova (Author)

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Table of Contents :

New Ebook :  Albert Einstein – The Unified Field Theory ( UFT) , Nikola Tesla – a Generator about the TIME MACHINE, The Einstein – Rosen Bridge (Wormhole) . Travel in the time and space, Parallel Worlds . Genetic Companies, Genome Sequencing, Designer babies : 10xGenomics and Serge Saxonov, Jennifer Doudna (CRISPR Pioneer) , Emmanuelle Charpentier (CRISPR- Cas9 Founder ), Francis deSouza (CEO of Illumina Corporation) – a research on the dark substance. Robert R. Redfield (MD, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC) – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions.

By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

Published : September 30, 2018

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Table of Contents :


Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to Heinrich Himmler (One of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany,head of the Gestapo and the SS) – Construction of Nazi Nuclear Power plant about the production of electricity – a scheme, location , export of energy deposits to Northeast, Meetings with Hitler and reports. Plan for an island in a frozen ocean. Creation of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. A ban about the using of nuclear bombs to prevent the destruction of the planet Earth. Connections with aliens. The ring on his hand has different stones – a passport and detector for Himmler in front of the aliens. Was the real Heinrich Himmler captured ? – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 24, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .


Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :

Heinrich Himmler (One of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany,head of the Gestapo and the SS) – Construction of Nazi Nuclear Power plant about the production of electricity – a scheme, location , export of energy deposits to Northeast, Meetings with Hitler and reports. Plan for an island in a frozen ocean. Creation of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. A ban about the using of nuclear bombs to prevent the destruction of the planet Earth. Connections with aliens. The ring on his hand has different stones – a passport and detector for Himmler in front of the aliens. Was the real Heinrich Himmler captured ? – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 24, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna . 

Time of the Clairvoyant reading – after the photo

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A new technology from the Second World War. Clairvoyant reading about : The Henge at Ludwikowice ,Poland ( Die Glocke, The Nazi – Bell) – a machine about antigravitation – how does it looks like, 11 photos with separate clairvoyant reading on each of them, Experiments about the using of gravitational waves : crashing an airplane, control of the gravitational waves – applications, Scientists who have created and experimented, An equation (formula) about the gravitational movement. Alien technologies – The Second World War – The rainbow after the rain…. – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 6, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.


Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :


Hitler and the Occult – a new technology from the Second World War. Clairvoyant reading about : The Henge at Ludwikowice ,Poland ( Die Glocke, The Nazi – Bell) – a machine about antigravitation – how does it looks like, 11 photos with separate clairvoyant reading on each of them, Experiments about the using of gravitational waves : crashing an airplane, control of the gravitational waves – applications, Scientists who have created and experimented, An equation (formula) about the gravitational movement.
Alien technologies – The Second World War – The rainbow after the rain….
– Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 6, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

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Price of the Pdf file – 100 Euro

Hitler and the Occult – a new technology from the Second World War. Clairvoyant reading about : The Henge at Ludwikowice ,Poland ( Die Glocke, The Nazi – Bell) – a machine about antigravitation – how does it looks like, 11 photos with separate clairvoyant reading on each of them, Experiments about the using of gravitational waves : crashing an airplane, control of the gravitational waves – applications, Scientists who have created and experimented, An equation (formula) about the gravitational movement. Alien technologies – The Second World War – The rainbow after the rain…. – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 6, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.


Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :


Hitler and the Occult – a new technology from the Second World War. Clairvoyant reading about : The Henge at Ludwikowice ,Poland ( Die Glocke, The Nazi – Bell) – a machine about antigravitation – how does it looks like, 11 photos with separate clairvoyant reading on each of them, Experiments about the using of gravitational waves : crashing an airplane, control of the gravitational waves – applications, Scientists who have created and experimented, An equation (formula) about the gravitational movement.
Alien technologies – The Second World War – The rainbow after the rain….
– Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 6, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

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Price of the Pdf file – 100 Euro