Media Confirmation about The defeat of ISIS in Iraq – June 2017 – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – March 21, 2017

Media Confirmation about The defeat of ISIS in Iraq – June 2017 – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : 

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and  Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – March 21, 2017

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Only a small fragment of Clairvoyant predictions about :

Masoud Barzani (President of Iraqi Kurdistan) – Health, Military actions, Battles with Turkey, the destiny of ISIS soldiers – Clairvoyant predictions March 17, 2017, 10 am –  by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – February 27, 2017. Time – after the photo.

…….March 2017 – the most days are on battles. April 2017 – both in the iraqian army and in ISIS are starting pandemics (diseases). May 2017 – the armies are small both from the one and the other side.

Parts of ISIS are moving in Syria, others run through Greece in Europe. Officially, May-June 2017 there will be a victorious end.

The more interesting is with the armies of Turkey. The main battles with them about the oilfields are forthcoming. In the middle between the battles will turn out american soldiers and mainly they will be the victims.

It is upcoming an other war Turkey – Iraq in the end of year 2017 – she will be longer, but the kurds will be the winners. Iraqi Kurdistan will not draw back lands to Turkey, but a lot of time will pass, while Turkey understood  it……

Media Confirmation :

1. Iraq declares Isis’s caliphate ‘has fallen’ after huge symbolic victory in Mosul

2. ISIS fighters employ new tactic in Raqqa

By: Shawn Snow, June 30, 2017

Media Confirmations about Iran’s problems with dissidents, Iran’s Judiciary Prevents Top Labor Activists From Attending International Conference, new financial policy in Iran predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – March 21, 2017

Media Confirmations about Iran’s problems with dissidents, Iran’s Judiciary Prevents Top Labor Activists From Attending International Conference, new financial policy in Iran predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and  Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – March 21, 2017

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Valiollah Seif (Governor of Central Bank of Iran) – Does the iranian soldiers will remain in Syria? The battle for the oil fields in Syria is forthcoming. Distribution of money- preparation for a new order. Creation of new unions (federation) with a new currency. A war against Israel, Turkey, ISIS. Contracts with Indonesia. Allies – Lebanon and the former soviet republics. A threat against USA. New financial policy – since when? Year 2017 – the luck helps to Iran – Clairvoyant predictions March 6, 2017, 10 am.  – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – February 28, 2017. Time – after the photo. 

Valiollah Seif’s health – Strong flu – on February 28, 2017 he had a sick throat  inflammed  sinus drainage ducts at left and at right, pains in the shoulders and knees, heavy pain in the right kidney and prostate. The heart is before infarction – there is a strong constriction, the both lungs are sick – the left one is lightly increased and up, the right one is smallee. The right kidney is painful, but the both kidneys are sick. These days February 28 – March 6 – he has high blood pressure and weaker blood irrigation in the right leg – the fingers, at left – from the left pelvis to the knee (where there is a pain). In the future, there will be a surgical operation in the prostate and right lung.

The problems of the war of Iran have created problems also to the Central Bank of Iran, but the war and the military actions of Iran in Syria still continue : Iranian soldiers are fighting on East from Iran, and they advance more on East. The defeated areas are closed and with the time – the places they have closed (won) become more. Then the places will be united. On the middle between the areas I see a corridor for movement of the iranian armies.

The region which is interesting for them is in the northeastern part – it borders with Turkey – a region bordered with Iraq. The corridor has direction South – Northeast. Also appears a second corridor between two energy fields – the first one is North direction, the second – direction Northeast. In the first energy field, there will be many battles for supremacy and conquest. The turkish armies will be pushed in the mountains and Iran will finally conquer that oil field. On the middle between the two energy fields will be outlined a region which will be defeated, but abandoned by the iranians about a construction of a zone with special statute. About the victory over the second oil field, there will be only participation by the side of the iranian troops, it will remain for Syria. The military actions are starting bad for Iran, but they end with the victory they have expected.

February – March 2017 – a trade contract with Indonesia brings problems for being executed on parts /stages – until the middle of March 2017 the Central Bank of Iran will have problems with the financing of the project. Since the middle of March 2017 to her are running down rivers of money – first – two bank transactions, which are very big and save the situation, then a third transaction and then the money transactions become regular and the work is normal. March 2017 – there will be problems with financial control and administrative fines and penalties for Iranian business abroad – threats by Iran for withdrawal – court (lawsuit) and reduction of fines (USA). There is a forthcoming

research for a war in Lebanon – for now only as mutual aid – as a real presence and officialy since the Summer (before it’s over).

April 2017 – the Central Bank of Iran makes a step ahead – it considers a new common currency  with the allied countries and a new union (federal). The first country is Lebanon, then two former soviet countries. There will be a third one, but she has refused. After the middle of April 2017 – Iran will have problems with the weather. I see stormy winds breaking of connections (sattelites, communications). I see explosions very close to the border of Iran and battles with ISIS soldiers, which are trying to enter Iran, near a village with rockets and weapons .

Until the beginning of May 2017 – I see battles, then they are surrounded and that battle ends. Begins another battle – internal, political. It is increased the amount of the Intelligence (internally) and the internal laws become tougher….

May 2017 – the population of Iran has problems – dissidents. After the middle of May 2017 – a lot of money are distributed for business – to internal people – This is preparation for one new order in Iran.

June 2017 – I see Iran to participate in a conference at a global level, but it will distances, observes and rethinks. In the end of June begins a new financial policy that will proceed total two years – internal politics for creation of middle business and it’s bancruptcy.

July 2017 – leaders of Iran will be in danger – I see a shooting on them. The gap between Iran and Saudi Arabia is increased. Iran wins, because of the moment, situation (territorial) and now the luck is on side of Iran….

The creation of federation that will have borders with Israel…. – year 2017 is already the beginning. The Summer (in the beginning of year 2017) – there will be a direct collision between the armies of Iran and Israel. The turkish armies ….


Media Confirmation :

1. Iran’s Judiciary Prevents Top Labor Activists From Attending International Conference – JUNE 16, 2017

2. Following IS Attacks, Iran Cracks Down on Armed Dissident Groups

June 17, 2017

3. What’s on Rouhani’s second-term economic agenda?

New Ebook and Paperback book :

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and  Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – March 21, 2017

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Media Confirmation about Participation of UAE in war – In the beginning both with Saudi Arabia (June 2017) as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Donald Trump and The Republican Party 2017 – Business, Energy, Palace intrigues – Republicans Vs Democrats Clairvoyant /Psychic predictions : Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Paul Ryan, Dow Chemical, Gary Cohn and more… By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova Published – April 16, 2017

Media Confirmation about Participation of UAE in war – In the beginning both with Saudi Arabia (June 2017) as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Donald Trump and The Republican Party 2017 – Business, Energy, Palace intrigues – Republicans Vs Democrats

Clairvoyant /Psychic predictions : Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Paul Ryan, Dow Chemical, Gary Cohn and more…

By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

Published – April 16, 2017

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Small fragment of Clairvoyant predictions about :

First Abu Dhabi Bank – NBAD (UAE’s largest bank) and Abdulhamid Saeed (Bank’s group chief executive officer) – Health, New Energy contracts for oil extraction, a war, large – scale underground and underwater construction, new technologies, newly purchased island, through the fire of year 2017 – Clairvoyant predictions April 3, 2017, 10 am   – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – April 2 , 2017. Time – after the photo.

June 2017 – participation (UAE) in war. In the beginning both with Saudi Arabia ; then, apart from them. On this stage,the reconstructions in the bank lead to preparation for large-scale military actions at North, Northeast. In the future, the both nations quarreled and lead a war between each other (Saudi Arabia – UAE). On this stage – year 2017 – the bank under the leadership of mr. Abdulhamid Saeed will triple its capital. June 2017 – I see UAE in fire – the months – weather anomalies. The end of July and August 2017 – military actions – outside and inside the country. There will be many explosions in the capital of UAE.

September 2017 …..

Media Confirmation :

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt cut ties with Qatar

Four Arab nations try to isolate nation they say supports terrorism

JUNE 5, 2017

New Ebook and Paperback book : 
Donald Trump and The Republican Party 2017 – Business, Energy, Palace intrigues – Republicans Vs Democrats Clairvoyant /Psychic predictions : Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Paul Ryan, Dow Chemical, Gary Cohn and more…
Authored by Dimitrinka Staikova, Authored by Ivelina Staikova, Authored by Stoyanka Staikova
Published  – April 16 , 2017
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Media Confirmation about Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Bahrain cut ties to Qatar as predicted by Clairvoyant DImitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Banks,Bankruptcies, Money, Finance, Politics – Year 2017 to year 2019 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of England, Central Banks of Turkey, China, Russia, Qatar, Albania, The World Bank, The European Central Bank, OPEC… Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Media Confirmation about Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Bahrain cut ties to Qatar as predicted by Clairvoyant DImitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : 

Banks,Bankruptcies, Money, Finance, Politics –  Year 2017 to year 2019 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of England, Central Banks of Turkey, China, Russia, Qatar, Albania, The World Bank, The European Central Bank, OPEC…

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – October 22, 2016

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Small fragment of Clairvoyant predictions about :

Sheikh Abdulla Bin Saud Al-Thani ( Qatar Central Bank Governor) – October 17, 2016, 4pm. – Health, Soft and Strong spots,.Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about : Qatar Central Bank, the leader of Qatar, coalition and collapse until year 2019, Business with Gold, Buying of weapons, a ship – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

Photo – October 3, 2016. Time – after the photo.

…..Qatar  is paying about a very big ship – Amphibious warfare ship – until the first days of April 2017 about a military conquering actions.

The leader of Qatar – April and May 2017 – there will be a threat about his life.

June 2017 – Coalition with other country is under threat, begins a separation.


Media Confirmation :

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Bahrain cut ties to Qatar

Al Jazeera/Doha

Monday، 05 June 2017

‘….A Saudi-led coalition which for more than two years has been fighting Iran-backed rebels in Yemen separately announced that Qatar was no longer welcome in the alliance….’

“…Saudi also closed the border and halted air and sea traffic with Qatar, urging ‘all brotherly countries and companies to do the same’….

Banks,Bankruptcies, Money, Finance, Politics – Year 2017 to year 2019 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of England, Central Banks of Turkey, China, Russia, Qatar, Albania, The World Bank, The European Central Bank, OPEC…

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
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Media Confirmation about Palestinian tunnels beneath Egypt-Gaza border contained materials to build bombs as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Media Confirmation about Palestinian tunnels beneath Egypt-Gaza border contained materials to build bombs as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and  Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – March 21, 2017

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Small fragment of Clairvoyant predictions about :

The future of Palestine and palestinian people through the eyes of Azam Al Shawa (Governor of Palestine Monetary Authority) – Health, the palestinian people in invasion for new land – where? New weapons supply – how? New war against Israel – from where ? How they will be stopped and when? – Clairvoyant predictions March 11, 2017, 10 am.  –  by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – December 14, 2016. Time – after the photo.

…..Palestine begins an offensive since March 2017 – for new land and world affirmation of the country. Where the palestinian army is passing, everything is dying – they kill everything and everyone. The end of March 2017 – I see gathering of weapons and entering first in a narrow corridor ,then expanding of the corridor – first through Israelian land, then in Egyptian corridor.

The truth is that this is a paid agreement, although there will be fights in Egypt. There will be heavy battles twice – a retreat and again attack April and May 2017 – until July 2017. July 2017 – begins ……

Media Confirmation :

Army destroys two tunnels beneath Egypt-Gaza border

The tunnels allegedly contained materials to build bombs

May 22, 2017

Jean-Baptiste de Franssu (President of the Vatican Bank ( Institute for the Works of Religion) – Year 2017 : Construction of a new Holy Place in South America with golden treasure. He sees the death of the Pope. Health . How the Pope will die ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 3, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

Part of the Ebook and Paperback book :

Banks, Investments, Devaluation, Inflation, Interbank wars,  Nuclear Plants,Brexit,Politics – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to Deutsche Bank, Central Bank of : Vatican, India, Israel, France,David Rockefeller, Coutts,Bank of America, Fed, Goldman Sachs….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published –  January 20, 2017

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Small part of Clairvoyant predictions about :

Jean-Baptiste de Franssu (President of the Vatican Bank ( Institute for the Works of Religion) – Year 2017 : Construction of a new Holy Place in South America with golden treasure. He sees the death of the Pope. Health . How the Pope will die ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 3, 2017  –  by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

Photo – July 9, 2014.

…..I see in his eyes a car, which drives a dead man, many nerves. The car is moving on West, there are gathered people, cortege. I see money that hurry to sink in undergrounds. A descent (going down) to undergrounds, where there are other clerics (Popes), which are waiting for their ascension to God. I see their energy is slowly raising to the Sun. In the same church is also situated a big secret place (storage) for money (vault). I see the Church gathered with its four leaders to consider a funeral.

The way to the funeral (the death) :……..

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Media Confirmation about What will happen after Brexit in “Coutts” Bank -the Bank of the British Royal Family -founded 1692-predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Banks, Investments, Devaluation, Inflation, Interbank wars, Nuclear Plants,Brexit,Politics – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to Deutsche Bank, Central Bank of : Vatican, India, Israel, France,David Rockefeller, Coutts,Bank of America, Fed, Goldman Sachs…. Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – January 20, 2017

Media Confirmation about What will happen after Brexit in “Coutts” Bank -the Bank of the British Royal Family -founded 1692-predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Banks, Investments, Devaluation, Inflation, Interbank wars,  Nuclear Plants,Brexit,Politics – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to Deutsche Bank, Central Bank of : Vatican, India, Israel, France,David Rockefeller, Coutts,Bank of America, Fed, Goldman Sachs….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – January 20, 2017

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Small part of Clairvoyant prediction :

Lord William Waldegrave (Chairman of “Coutts” Bank -the Bank of the British Royal Family -founded 1692) – Work, Finances, Bankruptcies, British Royal Family – business, funeral…. Brexit problems – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 16, 2017, 10 am –  by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – July 26, 2016. Time – after the photo.

…..About the health of Lord Waldegrave I can tell, that the pains in his head are caused by the left part of the thyroid gland – the pains are mainly in the top of the head. I see permanent gases in the stomach and at left – sick genitals. Already in a slight degree is affected the left lung. He likes the fast thinking and the fast movements. With the ages, there will be problems with the hands, shoulders and the pelvis area. There is sick left kidney. Generally, there is a forthcoming treatment for Lord Waldegrave and a surgical operation of the thyroid gland and kidneys (treatment). In a more distant future – a surgical operation of the lung and prostate. The photo is from July 26, 2016.

Despite he likes aircrafts, I see a stress experienced. Also in the future the aircrafts will be part of his business. The Autumn of year 2016 – he has passed a heavy disease, which has affected the legs – the foots. He believes in the independency of England and her greatness.He takes the election of Trump as a catastrophe for the british business. From November and December 2016 has begun the preparation for the financial separation of the money from the European Union. The playing of the british pound is for the banks to win. Since the end of January 2017 – the bank has proposals for investments – 1/3 of the money will be invested abroad, 2/3 – will be invested in England. The money will be invested in work places, repairs because of the Climate Change, investments in grain storages (silos), strenghthening of the shores, roads. Less money will be given for education of kids.

February and March 2017 will be invested the money of the British Royal Family – gold, technologies, Australia, mines in Africa, lands (plots) in Romania and construction of airfields. I see from the end of February and March 2017 – a common business with arab country. Bahrein, Kuwait, Qatar and part of the business is with Saudi Arabia – these are investments in the english business connected with oil. Expected investments in energy field in Cyprus – April 2017.

March 2017 – the british bank undergoes a turnover in its policy – there is 180 degrees rotation from which the smaller investors will loose – I see it as a decline in the exchange rate of the british pound. Since March 2017 – the british economy begins a recession. There will be a recovering – Summer 2017. I see a change of ministers in the government.

Toward England – May 2017 – I see to travel ships and airplanes with gold. From Summer 2017 begins a military attack about the increasing of the lands in Arctic and Antarctica – with goal – searching for energy fields and their exploitation. The bank is actually managed by three people, who coordinate their decisions.

June 2017…..

Media Confirmation :

Private bank Coutts has written to clients informing them of a change in terms and conditions to allow for negative interest rates on some of its accounts.

27 Feb, 2017

Media Confirmation about President of Yemen Hady sentenced to death predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – March 21, 2017

Media Confirmation about President of Yemen Hady sentenced to death predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and  Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – March 21, 2017

New Ebook – Buy ONLY from the Author :

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

 Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

 Published – March 21, 2017

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Small part of Clairvoyant prediction :

Abdrabbuh Mansur Hady (President of Yemen) – The Future of the war in Yemen – Clairvoyant predictions March 15, 2017, 10 am.  –  by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – September 23, 2016. Time – after the photo

….October 2016 – there was a change of the place for living and fear by the loss of war. In response, they fall back on bombs (chemicals with yellow powder). What is in their favor is that they (Abdrabbuh Mansur Hady) hold the water sources and they poison the water. The problem is that also in their camp poison the water. Year 2016 mr. Hady didn’t had the needed and sufficient weapons to win the war. He wins only local battles and with trickery and military strategies they keep the front. In the end of November 2016 and December 2016 – for a short time the goddes of victory was on his side. He has received people, weapons – but that was not the reason. In the enemy camp there was an outflow of people (mercenaries), they have left positions in a certain moment. December 2016 – I see him to sign a contract with other arab countries and russians – an indirect contract – through third persons.

January 2017 was a month of hunger. February 2016 – a month of small retreats. March 2017 is the main month for the making of official contract with Moscow and Putin for protection and russian bases. Although they are paying with gold, this is not the main. A bargaining chip are deposits and natural resources of Yemen. In the end of March 2017  there is a momentary lull and then comes a war for the releasing of territories. Around two years will be needed, not for the stopping of the military actions, but for a contract with Saudi Arabia, which will insist for part of the land of Yemen.

The war will be decided not with a contract, but with a traitor and a murder (poisoning) of the President……

Media Confirmation :

President of Yemen sentenced to death

Published: 12:11 pm, Sunday, 26 March 2017

– See more at:

Read  also the Clairvoyant prediction about :

8. Saleh Ali al-Sammad (Head of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen) – Year 2017 :Future battles, A siege (like the siege of Leningrad – Second world war) – seizure of lands, americans against russians, future uniting of Yemen lands – Clairvoyant predictions March 16, 2017

and more…. Only in the New Ebook – Buy ONLY from the Author :


Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

 Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

 Published – March 21, 2017

Clairvoyant predictions about : Middle East 2017 – Fayez al-Sarraj (Prime Minister of Libya), Valiollah Seif (Governor of Central Bank of Iran), Riad Salameh (President of Banque du Liban), The future of Palestine and palestinian people through the eyes of Azam Al Shawa (Governor of Palestine Monetary Authority), Khalifa Haftar (Libyan Marshal),The Copper Scroll (One of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in a cave near Khirbet Qumran), Abdrabbuh Mansur Hady (President of Yemen), Saleh Ali al-Sammad (Head of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen), Masoud Barzani (President of Iraqi Kurdistan), Fuad Masum (President of Iraq), Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (President of Egypt), Khalid bin Ali al Humaidan ( Director of Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Directorate – Al Mukhabarat Al A’amah)

New Ebook and Paperback book :

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and  Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – March 21, 2017

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Table of Contents :

1.Fayez al-Sarraj (Prime Minister of Libya) – Attempt for Coup – when? Landing of russians – when, where? How much does the life of al-Sarraj costs in cargo with gold? – Clairvoyant predictions March 5, 2017, 10 am. – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

2. Valiollah Seif (Governor of Central Bank of Iran) – Does the iranian soldiers will remain in Syria? The battle for the oil fields in Syria is forthcoming. Distribution of money- preparation for a new order. Creation of new unions (federation) with a new currency. A war against Israel, Turkey, ISIS. Contracts with Indonesia. Allies – Lebanon and the former soviet republics. A threat against USA. New financial policy – since when? Year 2017 – the luck helps to Iran – Clairvoyant predictions March 6, 2017, 10 am.

3. Riad Salameh (President of Banque du Liban) – Clairvoyant predictions (March 10, 2017) about Lebanon and Central Bank of Lebanon : Constructions of underground corridors in the mountains, military actions with Syria, Israel, ISIS squads, new power. When Hezbollah will be strong ? 

4. The future of Palestine and palestinian people through the eyes of Azam Al Shawa (Governor of Palestine Monetary Authority) – Health, the palestinian people in invasion for new land – where? New weapons supply – how? New war against Israel – from where ? How they will be stopped and when? – Clairvoyant predictions March 11, 2017, 10 am.  

5. Khalifa Haftar (Libyan Marshal) – Year 2016 and year 2017 – hidden coup – slaughtered inner people in favor of Haftar. There will be no peace, but massacre. In the end of year 2017 – Leader of Libya will be Khalifa Haftar – Clairvoyant predictions March 13, 2017, 10 am.

6. The Copper Scroll (One of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in a cave near Khirbet Qumran) – A mystery of the people with six fingers on the one hand, for a small golden treasure, an energy field, information about the making of electricity and the newly created christianity, which has wanted these secrets and treasures. The scrolls belong to a jew – very rich. They are buried in a circle on eight places – without the central one and three times in the ground…There are parts of device… – Clairvoyant predictions March 14, 2017, 10 am.

7. Abdrabbuh Mansur Hady (President of Yemen) – The Future of the war in Yemen – Clairvoyant predictions March 15, 2017, 10 am.

8. Saleh Ali al-Sammad (Head of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen) – Year 2017 :Future battles, A siege (like the siege of Leningrad – Second world war) – seizure of lands, americans against russians, future uniting of Yemen lands – Clairvoyant predictions March 16, 2017

9. Masoud Barzani (President of Iraqi Kurdistan) – Health, Military actions, Battles with Turkey, the destiny of ISIS soldiers – Clairvoyant predictions March 17, 2017, 10 am

10. Fuad Masum (President of Iraq) – Problems with the opened doors of Iraq, Iraq divided with two influences – western and russian, New energy corridors with russian participation to Greece, The way to peace for Iraq – Clairvoyant predictions March 18, 2017

11. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (President of Egypt) – Casus Belli in Egypt – a battle between americans and russians, The germans are financing – April, May 2017, The hall with the alien spaceship and a new race, New war and new coalitions, The enemies become friends…Egypt is splitting and dividing – Clairvoyant predictions March 19, 2017, 10 am.

12. Khalid bin Ali al Humaidan ( Director of Saudi Arabia’s General Intelligence Directorate – Al Mukhabarat Al A’amah) – Broken contracts for energy fields with Israel, dispute for money. Problems with sea cargo. Problems with banks and their uniting. Problems with the wars in the world where participates Saudi Arabia. Influence in the world, financial policy -when? Year 2017 and 2018 – dividing of Saudi Arabia on two parts. Health and soft spots of Khalid bin Ali al Humaidan – Clairvoyant predictions March 19, 2017, 3pm

Clairvoyant predictions about :  Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime minister of Israel), Karnit Flug (Governor of Central Bank of Israel) , Jean-Baptiste de Franssu (President of the Vatican Bank , Francois Villeroy de Galhau (Governor of Bank of France, Lord William Waldegrave (Chairman of “Coutts” Bank -the Bank of the British Royal Family ,Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran, Bashar al-Assad (President of Syria), Donald Trump (President of USA) , Valery Gerasimov (Russian General,Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey), Yi Gang ( People’s Bank of China Deputy Governor) , Jim Yong Kim (President of the World Bank), Mohammed Barkindo (Secretary General of OPEC) ,Mario Draghi (President of the European Central Bank), Sheikh Abdulla Bin Saud Al-Thani ( Qatar Central Bank Governor), Gent Sejko (Governor of Bank of Albania) 

+ HOTTEST NEWS PREDICTIONS MARCH 2017 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Media Confirmation about ISIS Terrorism in Great Britain March 2017 predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – March 21, 2017

Media Confirmation about ISIS  Terrorism in Great Britain March 2017 predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and  Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – March 21, 2017

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Masoud Barzani (President of Iraqi Kurdistan) – Health, Military actions, Battles with Turkey, the destiny of ISIS soldiers – Clairvoyant predictions March 17, 2017, 10 am –  by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – February 27, 2017. Time – after the photo.

…….The ISIS commanders should slowly convince the warriors for a certain actions – to hide in the people (population) – not to make camps in the mountains, but to leave with ships for other countries – they are going to Libya, Italy, Europe, England and USA – well financed and organised army (as a sleeping cell).

March 2017 – ……

Media Confirmation 

What is the latest UK terror threat level and has there been a shooting outside Westminster’s Parliament?

22nd March 2017, 5:20 pm

“According to the MI6 chief, the current threat from ISIS is “unprecedented”, with the terrorist organisations targeting the UK from deep inside Syria.”

The attack came a day after Theresa May ordered airlines to ban passengers from taking large electronic devices such as tablets into the cabin on non-stop UK bound-flights from six countries including Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia”